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Online / Offline

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Course Information

  • Sessions: 60
  • Duration: 20 Weeks
  • Mode: Online / Offline
  • Language: English & Tamil
  • Placement Training: 10 Sessions
  • Internship Support: Yes

Fee Details


Why Full Stack Development Is Top Among Other Courses?

Full Stack Development skills are in high demand worldwide and well paid too– making development a great career option. It is one of the easiest accessible higher paid fields as you do not need a traditional university degree to become qualified..

The high demand for high-quality websites is what makes many consider the field of web design. If you are thinking about becoming a web designer, you have come to the right place.

  • Staggering Demand
  • Job Security
  • Freelancing
  • Well paid career option
  • Minimum Qualification
  • Creative & Fun
  • Easy to learn
  • Stay Market Trend
  • Growing opportunities
  • Everlasting domain
What You'll Learn

In Full Stack Development, you'll learn to build dynamic and interactive web applications from front-end to back-end. This includes mastering languages such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for the user interface, as well as server-side technologies like Node.js, Python. Understanding databases and APIs, along with frameworks like React or Angular for front-end development and Express.js are also key components. Additionally, proficiency in version control systems like Git and knowledge of deployment processes are essential for full stack developers.

  • Photoshop logo
  • Photoshop logo
  • Photoshop logo
  • Photoshop logo
  • Photoshop logo
  • Photoshop logo
  • Photoshop logo
  • Photoshop logo
  • Photoshop logo
  • Photoshop logo
  • Photoshop logo
  • Photoshop logo
  • Photoshop logo

  • Overview of figma
  • Setting Up Your figma

  • Frame Tool
  • Move Tool
  • Shape Tools
  • Pen Tool
  • Image Optimization
  • Basic Plugins

  • Grid System
  • Working With Colors
  • Working with Typography
  • Group Component
  • Autolayout Component

  • Static Page
  • Dynamic website
  • Prototype
  • Dev mode & Deployment

  • Need of creating a website
  • Technologies to learn and use of it
  • Need of text editors (VS Code)
  • Creating a Project in VS Code
  • Structure of HTML

  • Heading Tags
  • Paragraph tags
  • Formatting tags
  • Quotations & Comments

  • Adding image via HTML
  • Usage of Src, Alt Attributes.

  • Mark Tag, sup, sub, strong, em, Progress, small, del, ins
  • Entities & References

  • Adding Audio & Video via HTML
  • Working with Controls , Sources

  • Understanding Rows and Columns
  • Creating a mock table
  • Styling my Table Using Css

  • Ordered list
  • Unordered list
  • Description list

  • Working with Form fields & Elements
  • Types of Input fields
  • Working with attributes

  • Embed YouTube video
  • Embed Google Map

  • Introduction to Cascading Style Sheets
  • Purpose and Importance

  • Basic syntax: selectors, properties, and values
  • Different types of selectors: element, class, ID, descendant, child, pseudo-classes, etc.

  • Understanding Box model: content, padding, border, margin
  • Box-sizing property and its importance

  • Font families, styles, sizes, weights
  • Text alignment, decoration, transformation, spacing

  • Color values: hex, rgb, rgba, hsl, hsla
  • Background properties: color, image, size, repeat, position, attachment
  • Gradient: Linear, radial, Circular

  • Display property: block, inline, inline-block, flex, flex wrap, grid, none
  • Positioning: static, relative, absolute, fixed, sticky

  • Creating web design for Mobile,
  • Tablet, Desktop

  • Working with animation and Key frames
  • Moving Tom & Gerry Animation
  • Moving Man Left to right

  • Pseudo Class & Elements
  • Transition properties: duration, timing function, delay
  • Animation properties: key frames, duration, timing function, dela
  • Translate, rotate, scale, skew
  • Combining transformations for complex effects

  • Static Website using media queries
  • Dynamic Website using media queries

  • Introduction to Bootstrap and its features
  • Advantages of using Bootstrap for web development
  • Installing Bootstrap via CDN or npm
  • Integrating Bootstrap into a web project

  • Understanding Grid system: rows, columns, and containers
  • Creating responsive layouts using grid classes

  • Bootstrap Typography
  • Bootstrap Buttons and Forms
  • Bootstrap Navigation Components
  • Bootstrap Alerts and Badges
  • Bootstrap Cards
  • Bootstrap Modals and Popovers
  • Boostrap Images, Spinners, ProgressBar, Carousel, Tooltip & Toast

  • Optimizing website layouts for mobile devices using Bootstrap responsive utilities
  • Testing and debugging responsive designs across different screen sizes

  • Responsive Website
  • Responsive Dashboard

  • History and evolution of JavaScript
  • Overview of JavaScript's role in web development
  • Setting up a code editor (e.g., Visual Studio Code)

  • Variables, data types, and operators
  • Control flow: if...else statements, switch...case statements
  • Loops: for, while, do...while loops

  • Functions:
    • Declaring and invoking functions
    • Function parameters and return values
    • Arrow functions and function expressions
  • Scope:
    • Understanding scope: global scope,
    • function scope, block scope
    • Closure concept and practical applications
    • Call, Apply, Bind

  • Arrays:
    • Creating and manipulating arrays
    • Array methods: push, pop, shift, unshift, splice, map, filter, reduce
  • Objects:
    • Creating and working with objects
    • Object properties and methods
    • Object destructuring and spread syntax

  • String Functions
  • Number Functions
  • Math Object
  • Array Functions

  • DOM : Understanding the DOM tree structure
  • Accessing and manipulating DOM elements using JavaScript

  • Mouse Events
  • Keyboard Events, Timer Events, DOM Events
  • Responding to user interactions: click, submit, hover, etc. Event listeners and event delegation

  • Asynchronous Programming:
    • Introduction to asynchronous JavaScript
    • Callback functions
    • Promises and the fetch API for making HTTP requests
  • Promises (Async/Await)
    • Working with asynchronous code using async/await syntax
    • Error handling with try...catch

  • Email js
  • Anime js
  • three js
  • GSAP
  • AOS
  • Chart js

  • What is jQuery?
  • Overview and history
  • Advantages of using jQuery
  • Setting up jQuery in your project
  • Getting Started
  • Including jQuery in HTML
  • Document ready function

  • Basic Selectors
    • Element selectors
    • ID selectors
    • Class selectors
  • Advanced Selectors
    • Attribute selectors
    • Pseudo-class selectors
    • Hierarchy selectors

  • Event Handling
    • Binding event handlers
    • Common events: click, dblclick, mouseenter, mouseleave
    • keypress, keyup, keydown
  • Event Methods
    • on(), off(), bind(), unbind()
    • Event delegation

  • Utility Functions
    • $.each()
    • $.extend()
    • $.trim()
    • $.proxy()

  • Basic Effects
    • Show/hide
    • FadeIn/fadeOut
    • SlideUp/slideDown
  • Advanced Animations
    • Advanced Animations
    • Stop animations
    • Chaining animations

  • DOM Traversal
    • Navigating DOM elements
    • Parent, children, siblings, find, closest
  • DOM Manipulation Methods
    • html(), text(), val()
    • append(), prepend(), before(), after()
    • remove(), empty(), replaceWith()

  • Introduction to AJAX
    • What is AJAX?
    • Benefits of using AJAX
  • jQuery AJAX Methods
    • load()
    • $.get(), $.post()
    • $.ajax()
  • Handling AJAX Responses
    • JSON, HTML, and XML responses
    • Error handling with AJAX

  • What is React and why is it so popular ?
  • Angular vs react
  • Creating a New React App
  • Installing dependencies
  • React Architecture
  • Running the project in localhost

  • Tailwind Css import in react
  • Building Responsive Navbar
  • Understating the Component of tailwind Css

  • Printing Statements from JSX
  • What are Components and its types?
  • Props
  • State and setState

  • Different ways of binding events

  • Mount
  • Update
  • Unmount

  • Need of fragments with example

  • Working with Error Boundaries
  • Usage of Lifecycle method in Error Boundaries

  • Working with HOC

  • Setting up routing in React applications
  • Creating routes, nested routes, and route parameters
  • Navigation with NavLink and useHistory

  • Definition and purpose of PureComponent in React
  • How Pure Component optimizes rendering performance
  • Understanding how Pure Component performs shallow comparison of props and state
  • Identifying when a component should extend PureComponent

  • using Axios to fetch Data

  • Form Validation Using React Stat

  • Need of learning Hooks
  • Using the State hook
  • Using the Effect hook
  • Using the useContext hook
  • Using the useRef hook
  • Using the usememo hook

  • To-do- list
  • E-commerce
  • Expense Tracker

  • What is Node.js?
  • History and Evolution
  • Installing Node.js
  • Installing Node.js and NPM
  • Basic Node.js script execution

  • Reading and writing files
  • Working with directories
  • Streams and buffers

  • Event-driven architecture
  • Non-blocking I/O
  • The V8 JavaScript engine

  • Callbacks
  • Promises
  • Async/Await
  • Handling asynchronous operations

  • EventEmitter class
  • Creating and handling events

  • The CommonJS module system
  • Built-in modules (fs, http, path, etc.)
  • Creating and using custom modules
  • The module.exports and require

  • Creating an HTTP server
  • Handling HTTP requests and responses
  • Routing basics

  • Login Authentication
  • QR Code Generated
  • Payment integration using “stripe”
  • Task Management Application:
  • Chat application (Using socket)

  • What is Express.js?
  • Benefits and use cases
  • Installing Node.js and NPM
  • Setting up a basic Express.js application

  • Understanding the structure of an Express application
  • Creating a simple server
  • Responding to requests with res.send, res.json, and res.sendFile

  • Basic routing with app.get, app.post, app.put, app.delete
  • Route parameters and query strings
  • Handling different HTTP methods
  • Express Router for modular routing

  • Connecting to databases (MySQL, MongoDB)
  • Using ORMs ( Mongoose for MongoDB)
  • Performing CRUD operations

  • Understanding middleware functions
  • Using built-in middleware (express express.json, express.urlencoded)
  • Creating custom middleware
  • Third-party middleware (e.g., morgan, body-parser, cookie-parser)

  • Parsing form data
  • Handling file uploads with multer
  • Validating form input

  • REST principles
  • Structuring a RESTful API with Express.js
  • CRUD operations
  • Using Postman for API testing

  • Overview of NoSQL databases
  • Differences between SQL and NoSQL databases
  • MongoDB features and use cases

  • Installing MongoDB on various platforms (Windows, macOS, Linux)
  • Setting up MongoDB Atlas (cloud-based MongoDB service)
  • Introduction to MongoDB Compass (GUI tool)
  • Basic MongoDB commands

  • Databases, collections, and documents
  • JSON format

  • Creating documents (insertOne, insertMany)
  • Reading documents (find, findOne)
  • Updating documents (updateOne, updateMany, findOneAndUpdate)
  • Deleting documents (deleteOne, deleteMany)

  • Schema design principles
  • Embedding vs. referencing
  • One-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many relationships

  • What is Angular 15
  • Features of Angular 15

  • Getting Started with TypeScript
  • TypeScript Features
  • TypeScript Classess
  • Function: Inferring the types Interfaces
  • Generic Types
  • Generic Classes
  • Generic Constraints
  • Decorators Property, Class, Parameter Decorators
  • Exports
  • External Modules Namespace & Mixins

  • Setting up Environment
  • Creating first angular app

  • Basics of component
  • Component Decorator
  • Component Decorator details/li>
  • Creating Components
  • Passing data to a Component
  • Responding to Component Events
  • Component Lifecycle
  • Advantage and limitations of component

  • One Way & Two Way Data Binding
  • Understanding Modules
  • Angular Bootstrap Process

  • Two way data binding with ngModel
  • User Input
  • Form Controls in Angular
  • Controls and Control Groups
  • Form & NgForm
  • Validation & Error Handling
  • CSS-Forms

  • Dependency Injection
  • Why dependency injection?
  • Dependency Injection Usage
  • Configuring the injector
  • Injectable Decorators
  • Dependency Injection Tokens

  • Attribute Directives
  • Difference between Directives and Components
  • Create new Attribute Directives
  • Structural Directives
  • Creating Structural Directives
  • Directive Metadata
  • Directive Types

  • Chaining pipes
  • Parameters in Pipe
  • Custom Pipe
  • Async Pipes
  • Built In Pipes

  • Basic introduction to Router
  • Route configuration
  • RouteConfig, RouterLink, RouterOutlet
  • Child Routes

  • Services in Angular
  • Injecting the HeroService
  • An Overview on Providers
  • Example on Services

  • Event Emitter Class
  • Emit Method & Next Method
  • Subscribe Method

  • Observables
  • The RxJS Library
  • Observables in Angular
  • Practical Usage

  • Features of Angular Material
  • Angular Material Installation
  • Angular Material Icons

  • Angular Chart & Graph Types
  • Google Maps Drawing Manager
  • JWT Authentication in Angular

  • What is Node.js?
  • History and Evolution
  • Installing Node.js
  • Installing Node.js and NPM
  • Basic Nodetwo.js script execution

  • Reading and writing files
  • Working with directories
  • Streams and buffers

  • Event-driven architecture
  • Non-blocking I/O
  • The V8 JavaScript engine

  • Callbacks
  • Promises
  • Async/Await
  • Handling asynchronous operations

  • EventEmitter class
  • Creating and handling events

  • The CommonJS module system
  • Built-in modules (fs, http, path, etc.)
  • Creating and using custom modules
  • The module.exptwoorts and require

  • Creating an HTTP server
  • Handling HTTP requests and responses
  • Routing basics

  • Login Authentication
  • QR Code Generated
  • Payment integration using “stripe”
  • Task Management Application:
  • Chat application (Using socket)

  • What is Express.js?
  • Benefits and use cases
  • Installing Nodetwo.js and NPM
  • Setting up a basic Express.js application

  • Understanding the structure of an Express application
  • Creating a simple server
  • Responding to requests with res.send, res.json, and res.sendFile

  • Basic routing with app.get, app.post, app.put, app.delete
  • Route parameters and query strings
  • Handling different HTTP methods
  • Express Router for modular routing

  • Connecting to databases (MySQL, MongoDB)
  • Using ORMs ( Mongoose for MongoDB)
  • Performing CRUD operations

  • Understanding middleware functions
  • Using built-in middleware (Express Express.json, Express.urlencoded)
  • Creating custom middleware
  • Third-party middleware (e.g., morgan, body-parser, cookie-parser)

  • Parsing form data
  • Handling file uploads with multer
  • Validating form input

  • REST principles
  • Structuring a RESTful API with Express.js
  • CRUD operations
  • Using Postman for API testing

  • Overview of NoSQL databases
  • Differences between SQL and NoSQL databases
  • MongoDB features and use cases

  • Installing MongoDB on various platforms (Windows, macOS, Linux)
  • Setting up MongoDB Atlas (cloud-based MongoDBtwo service)
  • Introduction to MongoDB Compass (GUI tool)
  • Basic MongoDBtwo commands

  • Databases, collections, and documents
  • JSON format

  • Creating documents (insertOne, insertMany)
  • Reading documents (find, findOne)
  • Updating documents (updateOne, updateMany, findOneAndUpdate)
  • Deleting documents (deleteOne, deleteMany)

  • Schema design principles
  • Embedding vs. referencing
  • One-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many relationships

  • History
  • Features
  • Setting up path
  • Working with Python
  • Basic Syntax
  • Variable and Data
  • Types
  • Operator

  • If
  • If- else
  • Nested if-else

  • For
  • While
  • Nested loops

  • Break
  • Continue
  • Pass

  • Accessing Strings
  • Basic Operations
  • String slices
  • Function and Methods

  • Introduction
  • Accessing list
  • Operations
  • Working with lists
  • Function and Methods

  • Introduction
  • Accessing tuples
  • Operations
  • Working Functions and Methods

  • Introduction Accessing values in dictionaries
  • Working with dictionaries
  • Properties
  • Functions

  • Defining a function
  • Calling a function
  • Types of functions
  • Function Arguments
  • Anonymous functions

  • Importing module
  • Math module
  • Random module
  • Packages
  • Composition

  • Printing on screen
  • Reading data from keyboard
  • Opening and closing file
  • Reading and writing files
  • Functions

  • Exception
  • Exception Handling
  • Except clause
  • Try ? finally clause
  • User Defined
  • Exceptions

  • History
  • What is Database?
  • Tell about Client/Server Concepts
  • What is mernt by DBMS ?
  • What is mernt by RDBMS ?
  • Software Installation & Setting up path
  • Basic Syntax
  • Data Types & Examples
  • SQL COmmands

  • Creating Table
  • Altering Table
  • Insert values into the table
  • Differences Between Delete,Drop and Truncate

  • Select
  • Where clause
  • Order By Clause
  • Distinct Keyword
  • Column aliases

  • Commit
  • Save point
  • Rollback
  • Grant
  • Revoke

  • Aggregation Functions
  • Min,Max,Count,Avg,Sum
  • Group By Clauses
  • Having Clauses

  • Declarative Integrity Constraints
    • Not Null
    • Unique
    • Default
    • Check constraints
    • Primary Key
    • foreign key constraints

  • What Is Join?
  • Joins
    • Inner Join
    • Self Join
    • Outer Join
      • Left Outer Join
      • Right Outer Join
      • Full Outer Join
      • Cross Join

  • Introduction to Normalization
  • Types of Normal Forms
    • 1st Normal Form
    • 2nd Normal Form
    • 3rd Normal Form
    • Boyce codd Normal Form
    • 4th Normal Form
    • 5th Normal Form

  • Understanding WordPress Architecture
  • Buying a domain from goDaddy
  • How to get Hosting platform?
  • What is the need of domain and Hosting?
  • Installing wordpress
  • Setting up WordPress Dashboard
  • How to make your website Secure (https)
  • Creating multiple users for website

  • What are Themes and use of it?
  • How to customize the theme?
  • Understanding need of Plugins
  • Installing and Activating Plugins
  • Adding Media elements
  • Working with Page Builders
  • Working with Widgets

  • Creating Menus
  • Creating Multiple pages
  • Drawing website layout
  • Developing Header and Footer
  • Working with Images and Background images
  • Creating Shadows and Borders
  • Adjusting image position
  • Understanding Padding and Margin
  • Working with Typography

  • Adding Videos and Slideshow
  • Creating a Smart Slider
  • Creating Motion effects
  • Designing shape dividers
  • Adding Google maps

  • Creating Forms and floating forms
  • Saving Data to Database
  • Integrating WhatsApp
  • Creating Blog posts
  • Working with Tabs
  • Expand/Collapse
  • Website Integration with Instagram posts
  • Creating a testimonial slider

  • Hints for creating different types of websites like
    • E-Commerce
    • Appointment Booking
    • Static and Dynamic Websites
  • How to create your own profile?
  • How to showcase portfolio?
  • How to approach Clients?
  • How to estimate the cost of website?
  • How to prepare a quotation for a website?
  • How to maintain a smooth relationship with client?
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Full Stack Developer & Mentor
Exp: 10+ Years
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Full Stack Developer & Mentor
Exp: 3 Years
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Dhivya Bharathi

Web Development Mentor
Exp: 3+ Years
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Senior Data Engineer
Exp: 9+ Years

"A Senior data engineer working for Channel 4, London, holding a Masters from University Houston, Texas, USA. Having experience in working with Oil and Gas, e-commerce, Health and hospitality and Media companies. Worked with AWS, GCP and Azure cloud platforms in designing and developing efficient data"

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Each project would require a user interface, front-end, backend and therefore the need for full stack developers and the necessary job opportunities are plentiful.

Based on the requirements of the project, a competent Full Stack developer is often able to switch between front end and back end creation. Studies also found that a Full Stack developer can get fresh technologies and tools up – to – date faster than someone who only specializes in front end or back end technology

Since full stack development tools are commonly used in many projects regardless of domain, qualification in these courses would have a huge benefit during the recruiting process, and opportunities are large in numbers.

No need to worry, another session or a recorded video of the missing session will reward you.

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