
Demo Confirmation


Online / Offline

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Course Information

  • Sessions: 60
  • Duration: 20 Weeks
  • Placement Training: 10 Sessions
  • Batch Type: Weekdays / Weekend
  • Mode: Online / Offline
  • Language: English & Tamil

Course Fee

UXUI Design Training

Why UXUI Is A Good Career Choice?

UXUI ranked in top 5 most wanted jobs in the world. The top notch companies do UXUI properly and they give more importance to User Experience, thus they are at top. i.e., Amazon, Tesla, Apple and Google their products are so easy to use and people love it.

If you love to solve problem, love to create interesting products mobile apps, Web apps, Smart Watch, TV, home? take this course, if you ask why? here’s the answer – Future is all about new digital products, AR|VR, Ai and Machine learning. Without UXUI designer it’s not possible at all.

  • Staggering Demand
  • Job Security
  • Freelancing
  • Well paid career option
  • Minimum Qualification
  • Creative & Fun
  • Easy to learn
  • Stay Market Trend
  • Growing opportunities
  • Everlasting domain
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video video
What You'll Learn

Here at School Of Techies we tailored our UXUI course in such a way that you’ll learn from the scratch. First 2 months you’ll be learning User Experience – Cognitive Psychology, Research, Analysis, Strategy, Empathize these topics will help you to solve a problem logicaly. Next 3 Months you’ll be learning User Interface, starts from Design Fundamentals and Principles, Typography, Color theory then UI Prototyping tools XD, Figma.

  • Photoshop logo
  • Photoshop logo
  • Photoshop logo
  • Photoshop logo
  • Photoshop logo

  • What is UXUI Design?
  • Course overview
  • Difference between UX & UI
  • UXUI Designer responsibilities
  • Why UXUI is becoming so Important?
  • UXUI Job opportunities

  • BX | CX | UX
  • UX origin
  • Benefits of UX
  • Good UX Vs Bad UX
  • Human Centered Design HCD
  • User Centered Design UCD
  • Activity Centered Design ACD
  • Research Methods
  • Process modules
  • Product Analysis
  • Competitor Analysis

  • Types of Devices & Products
  • Mobile | Tab | Watch | Desktop | TV | Kiosk
  • Difference between UX & UI
  • Your area of interest
  • Brainstorming

  • BX | CX | UX
  • UX origin
  • Benefits of UX
  • Good UX Vs Bad UX
  • Human Centered Design HCD
  • User Centered Design UCD
  • Activity Centered Design ACD
  • Research Methods
  • Process modules
  • Product Analysis
  • Competitor Analysis

  • Pros & Cons of ethnography
  • Dos & Don’ts
  • Quantitative research Vs
  • Qualitative research
  • Benefits of ethnography

  • Observation tasks
  • User interview questions
  • Interviewing the users
  • Identifying the problem
  • Uderstanding its cause
  • Stakeholder Interview

  • Defining the problem
  • Analysing the problem
  • Creating User Persona
  • User groups
  • Defining User needs
  • Empathy Mapping

  • Brainstorming
  • Gamestorming
  • Card sorting
  • User story Vs Job story
  • User scenario
  • Story boarding
  • User flow & Information Architecture
  • Tools X mind | Balsamiq

  • Sketching basic UI elements
  • Paper sketching wireframes
  • Sketching Onboarding screens
  • Sketching User scenario screens
  • Paper prototyping
  • Digital low fidelity screens
  • Interactive low fideltiy prototype
  • Tools Balsamiq | Invision | XD

  • Sharing links from XD
  • User testing types
  • Benefits of testing
  • Remote Vs In-person user testing
  • Moderated Vs Unmoderated user testing
  • A/B testing & Usability testing
  • User feedbacks & Reiteration

  • Documenting the UX project
  • Writing Medium blog
  • Uploading case study in Behance

  • Human computer Interaction
  • Why User interface is very important?
  • Physical product UI Vs Digital product UI
  • Sketching Ac | TV remote

  • Types of devices
  • Mobile | Watch | Desktop | Tab | Kiosk | TV
  • Understanding Operating system
  • Windows Vs MacOs
  • Android Vs IOS

  • Interactive Vs Non-Interactive
  • Mobile Vs Desktop Gestures
  • Motion control
  • Voice control

  • Importance & Benefits of ergonomics
  • Physical product’s ergonomics
  • Minimalist products
  • Human factors
  • Interaction Vs Reading
  • Posture & Placement

  • Design fundamentals
  • Design principles
  • Color theory
  • Typography
  • Iconography

  • Software Interface
  • Pixel Vs Vector
  • Photoshop Vs Illustrator
  • Image editing
  • Color correction
  • Layer styles
  • Poster design
  • GIF Animation
  • Vector editing
  • Vector editing
  • Icon design
  • Custom illustration

  • What is Design System?
  • Importance of Design System
  • Exisiting Design system review
  • Android’s Material Design
  • IOS’s HIG Human Interface Guideline
  • Microsoft’s Fluent Design

  • Mobile UI components sketching
  • Web components
  • UI Components States
  • Text fields and Containers
  • Lists & Tabs

  • Figma
  • Software interface
  • Typography & Alignment
  • Working with shapes
  • Working with assets
  • Working with plugins
  • Responsive Design Mobile – Web – Tab – Watch

  • Dora
  • Draft XR
  • Breakpoints
  • Jitter
  • Lottiefiles

  • Creating UI style guide
  • Creating UI Kit
  • Creating Product and System icons
  • Creating UI Components
  • Creating Component states
  • Building UI library

  • High fidelity screens
  • Onboarding screens
  • Home screen
  • Task centered screens
  • Linking screens
  • Interactive Screens & sharing link

  • Auto animate screens
  • Screen transitions
  • Icon animation
  • Cards animation

  • A/B testing screens
  • Usabilty testing
  • Accessibility & Readability testing
  • Collect feedback & Reiterate

  • Export for Android, IOS, Web
  • Exporting Assets in PNG, JPEG, SVG
  • Share Specs for Development.
  • Collabration with Developers
  • XD cloud share & Figma Multiple users
  • >

  • Dashboard Designs
  • Smart watch concept screens
  • Kiosk concept screens
  • Weather, m-commerce app screens

  • Documenting the UI project
  • Creating UI mockup project
  • Writing blog in medium
  • Uploading works in Behance

  • What is Augmented & Virtual Reality
  • What is Extended & Mixed Realityk
  • Difference between AR & VR

  • Types of AR & VR
  • Basic functionalities of AR, VR & XR

  • Why design thinking is great?
  • Stages in design thinking
  • Empathise
  • Define
  • Ideate
  • Prototype
  • Testing
  • Benefits of design thinking

  • Documenting the XR project
  • Creating XR mockup project
  • Writing blog in medium
  • Uploading works in Behance

  • Review with production person
  • Feedbacks from Production Designer & Developer

  • Creating Designer Resume
  • Uploading UXUI projects in Adobe portfolio
  • Projects according to the requirements

  • Interview tips
  • UX UI Designation lists
  • Mockup Interview with Prodcution person
  • Examination
Author Image


Graphic & UXUI Designer Mentor
Exp: 10+ Years
Author Image

Janani B S

UXUI Designer & Mentor
Exp: 4+ Years

As a creative and motivational professional, I specialize in crafting user centric web, mobile, tablet applications that not only boost sales but also foster customer loyalty.
Leveraging my experience in wellness mentoring, I integrate empathy into both my work and mentoring processes. As a mentor, I deeply appreciate the uniqueness of each student, demonstrating proficiency in delivering personalized and impactful guidance.

Author Image


UXUI Designer & Mentor
Exp: 5+ Years
Demo Confirmation
Demo Confirmation
Upcoming Batches

UXUI Design


Aug 20th

Online / Offline

11:00 am


UXUI Design


Aug 5th

Online Only

9:30 am


UXUI Design


Jun 7th

Online / Offline



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Have Any Questions?

Feel Free to Reach Out to us.

Anyone with passion about technology and gadgets, solving business and users problems through Apps, Websites, Products.

No! As a designer you don’t have to work on coding technologies but you should be aware of it so we’ll train you in basic coding at the end of the course.

Any college Degree with Good English Communication.

Yes! UXUI is the future, without UXUI designers no Product or a Brand will be functioning. Also If you constantly update yourself with technologies and gadgets around you.

UXUI Case Study

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